Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Water Baby

Livy has grown flippers! She took a trip over the bridge to the beach last weekend where she played under the umbrella because the water was still quite cold.
But, she LOVES the pool! She splashes water in her face and kicks her little legs. We'll have to teach her to swim soon. She is a little mermaid.
Enjoy the pics!

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Prince of Space said...

What fun!

Question: I haven't seen any photos of Ellie in the pool. Maybe she can teach Livy the doggy paddle.

Call Boston - she could host a fun-filled pool party for you! Free peanuts!

Richelle and Johnny said...

Ellie hasn't tried to jump in yet. Maybe we can coax her with some peanut butter?

As far as Boston goes, I figured we could cut back the screen so that she could do some roof jumping into the pool - with a hand full of peanuts of course.

Cocoa feeling better?

Prince of Space said...

Coco's doing much better. Hopefully it'll last...

Idea for a pool party: mount a diving board on the top of your roof!

Idea for coaxing Ellie into the pool: Fill her food bowl up, and put in on a float in the pool!

Have fun!