Friday, June 18, 2010

New Toy

So, Livy has a new favorite toy. Can you guess what it might be?

Ok, here are some hints:

It's big and silver.

It has 4 wheels.

Around here, it's desired more than any playground in town.

Picture clue...

You're getting warm...

Ah Ha!!! You guessed it...

Where is she standing/playing?

Inside the minivan, of course!

Great work!
Gotta love the Honda!


Prince of Space said...

All Livy needs is a driver's license!

Hope it isn't too hot down there. It's been warm and muggy here - but not too bad.

Have fun and see you soon!

Richelle and Johnny said...

Yesterday, she climbed into the driver's seat and pushed some buttons, beeped the horn and played with the mirror. Yikes!

Muy caliente!!! We've been in the pool every day.

See you soon!