Thursday, December 3, 2009

Give Thanks!

Some of our favorite moments from last weekend:

Livy enjoyed swaying back and forth in her "wing"

She loved it so much that she ate her turkey while "winging".

She also gobbled up pb&j (yes, we were in a restaurant and no, they did not kick us out - surprisingly).

We enjoyed our time together.
We all have SO much to be thankful for!


Prince of Space said...

Nice photos! Love the swing. And I see that Livy and I both eat pb&j sandwiches the same way!

Last night - the first "snowfall" of the season. Just flurries - but still fun to watch. At least I didn't have to dust off the snow shovel...

Have fun!

Richelle and Johnny said...

Thanks Gramps!
The snowfall sounds beautiful. The only thing falling here is tons of rain. It has rained for hours today. We are putting up lights tomorrow after we make a trip up in to the attic.
Stay warm.