Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy 11 Months, Livy!!!

Today, Livy is 11 months old!! It's hard to believe that in a
month she will be one year old.

She is now facing forward in her car seat and LOVES it!

Her naps are few and far between!
(and she loves cheerios)

Livy just got back from visiting the Castillo San Marcos (Spanish Fort).

She enjoyed exploring the deep, dark dungeons with Daddy on a hot summer day!


Prince of Space said...

Hey there! How's it going? How's the VMC?

Nice photos, btw...

Question: does Johnny still walk around with a Cheerio on his nose?

Have fun and see you soon!

Richelle and Johnny said...

VMC! How did you know what my license tag reads?

Livy seems to have Cheerios stuck in her hair, inside the rolls in her legs, under her arms and even inside her shirt/shorts. They show up all over the house too:)

See you soon!!

Kristen said...

Cheerios in the rolls in her legs? That's so adorable! I wish we could be there more often to witness such cuteness!

Richelle and Johnny said...

Crazy huh!
We wish you were here too.
Livy misses Aunt Kristen & Uncle Lars.