Tuesday, January 27, 2009

4 Months!!

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Yesterday, Livy turned 4 months old! It's so hard to believe. She's so much fun to hold, cuddle, talk to, sing to, read to and rock to sleep. Speaking of sleep, she has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks now. She wakes up for a few diaper changes and occasionally a dream will startle her and cause her to fuss for a few minutes, but then she soothes herself back to sleep.
Johnny and I took her in for her 4 month check-up where we learned she
weighs 15 lbs., 6 oz. (90th percentile) and is 26 1/2 inches long (97th percentile)! Also at this visit, she received more shots (boosters for her 2 month shots) and the go ahead to start rice cereal. On top of all that, our pediatrician says that her excessive drooling and constant need to chew on everything may be the first signs of teething. What a big girl!!


Prince of Space said...

Yo yo yo.

Loved the photos. Glad to hear she's sleeping through the night. Ahh...the Golden Months...

We got a few inches of snow. It's sunny out - and calm. Though it's still only 20 degrees.

Have fun with the rice cereal. Rice Krispies, perhaps???


Anonymous said...

My sweet baby girl! What a cutie pie! I love and miss her.

Auntie B