Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Nursery

The nursery is DONE! We have all of the baby supplies we need (well...maybe a few more diapers wouldn't hurt....) and are ready for baby girl to make her grand entrance. Johnny has been working diligently putting together the bedroom fan, furniture, pack-n-play, stroller and the baby swing. All that is left is the car seat base that needs to be installed in the Camry.

So, without further ado, here are the nursery pictures as well as some pictures of Johnny building his masterpieces - of course with the help of our little inspectors!

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Prince of Space said...

Everything looks great!


Prince of Space said...

Oops - I meant "minivan"...

Kelly said...

It looks lovely. I was just asking Kim V. if U had the baby yet.

Anonymous said...

Some how I think you do have a minivan since mine is missing. JS you have done a wonderful job with all your projects. Remember this is just the beginning. You will be putting things together for birthday's and Christmas from now on.

Richelle you have her room looking so beautiful. It is just waiting for that beautiful little girl to come home.

Have fun. 17 days and counting.

Love you both,
Mom (Nene)

Richelle and Johnny said...

Thanks Kelly and Gramps! Hopefully she'll hold out until Sept. 26!
No minivan here!!!

Anonymous said...

This little girl's room reminds me of another little girl's room (especially the closet full of clothes!)I loved too! Now I'm feeling old and very far away!

Auntie Beth