Saturday, October 2, 2010

Two Year Check Up

Livy's two year check up went really well.
She weighs 31 pounds (90% percentile) and is 37.25 inches tall (off the charts).
Livy did really well when they checked her hemoglobin and administered the flu shot. She loved the dogs on the band aids they gave her and that made it all better. They also told us that her two year molar is starting to come in on the left side.

We are so thrilled to have a happy, healthy little girl running around!

These pictures were taken by the nation's premier photographer - our very own Gramps.
Thanks for sharing your many talents. We love you!

1 comment:

Prince of Space said...


How're things? Glad Livy's check-up went well. Weather here a bit warmer - hopefully a bike ride today!

Take care and have fun!

PS I'm planning on getting some shirts made that say "NPP."