Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Cold

Come look at what I can do!'s chilly in here!

I'll squeeze in - there's room for you too!

Guess the fridge was too cold:)

Livy caught a cold and
this picture about sums up how she feels.

Not sure where Livy picked up the cold but she has been down for the count for almost a week.

We can't wait until our little sunshine is happy and healthy again!


Beth said...

I want to hold her and cuddle her and snuggle her and love her and SPOIL her!!!!!

Auntie B

Richelle and Johnny said...

Come on down!!!
She would love some of that right about now.

Prince of Space said...

Hey there!

Hope Livy is feeling better...

Talk about cold - last night it was 9 degrees!! Now it's hot outside - 26 degrees. All the snow we've had is still on the ground - and on the roof. When it gets warmer out - time to make a snowman!

Take care.

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful young lady, even when she is not feeling well. Poor girl. I hope she is better soon!