Monday, January 4, 2010

December Fun

We spent a lot of the break playing in the yard and running around the neighborhood

Then we headed down to the Keys to hang out with family and friends

The swing and the slide were fun and all...

But here's where I'd rather be...

Salty sandy baby

Happy New Year!!


Prince of Space said...

Hey there!

What a great time in Florida! Thanks!

Eyewitness weather report from Chitown:
freezing temps, lots-o-snow on the way, but sunny!!! Early this morning - 6 degrees! Now - 20.

You're getting some chilly weather, eh? Wish you had a firepit, right? Stay warm!

Richelle and Johnny said...

Brrr!! We are missing the fire pit. It's one of those items that just didn't fit in the POD. Did we Craigslist it?
Have you started up your fireplace yet this winter? How is Cocoa?

Prince of Space said...


The firepit might still be under your old porch. I'll swing by and grab it...

Haven't used the fireplace since the weather turned really cold. The fire sucks all the heated air out of the house!

Coco is doing OK. At least that's what he tells me!

Have fun!