Tuesday, November 17, 2009

59 Degrees


Hello? I'm in here!

The other day our temperature dipped all the way down to 59 degrees! So, of course, proper attire was needed. Poor Livy had to endure Mommy bundling her up from head to toe. I think she wore less clothing in Flossmoor:)
Yes, her face was covered for at least 10 minutes before she even made a peep. It's amazing how far into the back seat you can reach when situations like this arise. She was a trooper! Of course by the next day our temps went back up to 75-80 degrees so all the "winter clothes" are put away for now - lucky for Livy.


Prince of Space said...

59 Degrees!

That's considered a summer temp up here! The weather has been chilly with rain. And only fifty leaves left on all the trees here in Flossmoor...

Of course, chilly weather makes Aurelio's pizza taste even better!

Anyway - hope all is well. Bye for now.

Richelle and Johnny said...

Thanks Gramps.

Mmmm Aurelio's antipasta!! Save some for me.

Stay warm.

Beth said...

Please tell me that is NOT a snow suit on Livvy in Florida! 59 degrees? Above zero? That's shirt sleeve weather here! Please, let the kid have a normal life and dress appropriately ;).

Auntie B.

Richelle and Johnny said...

Ha!! Ok, Auntie B, not quite a snow suit, but close enough:)Poor baby. I will work on the clothing but as far as the normal life goes...I make no promises.