Weight: 25.2 lbs
Height: 31 inches
Clothing size: 18 month
Shoes size: 5
Her doctor said she can eat anything and to start drinking whole milk. Yay!
She is also developing quite the vocabulary and sign language skills.
These are some words she likes to say throughout the day:
wawa = water
bawoon = balloon
hiya = hello
bugabees = butterflies
dada (sometimes "daddy") = daddy
mama = mommy
kee = kitty
baba = bottle
She loves to sign "milk" by opening and closing her hands as well as waving "hello" and "goodbye".
Livy responds to words/phrases as well. Here are some examples:
"Livy, can you wave hello/goodbye?" = she waves and waves and waves
"Livy, where is daddy/balloon/butterflies/boots/ellie etc... ? = she points and waves
"Livy come here." = she walks on over to where you are (ok, when she really wants to:)
"Livy, can you cough?" = play coughs
"Livy, can you blow air?" = she blows bubbles/motor boats (Daddy is proud of this one)
"Livy, how big are you?" = hands way above her head and big smiles
"Livy, are you hungry?" = squirms around excitedly and says "uuumm uuumm"
"Livy, can you clap?" = claps and claps some more
"Livy, can you shake? = shakes her head back and forth as if to say "no"
"Livy, would you get your yogurt out of the refrigerator?" = she chooses a yogurt and takes it to her highchair
There are a few others but they've slipped my mind.
One quick story...Given her fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, Livy has cradle cap and so the doctor told us to rub it with a tiny dab of baby oil each night during bath time and in a few weeks it should disappear. Well, last night while Daddy gave her a bath, he used 2 handfuls of oil on her head. So, today I've been spiking her hair and molding it into all sorts of various styles. It seems like the "wet look" is here to stay!
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