She weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs, 6 oz. and is 24 inches long! She is in the 95th percentile for her weight and length.
That pretty much explains why she is drinking 8 oz. bottles without even flinching; and would you believe that when she is finished with that, she usually cries for more.
Also at her visit Livy was given her vaccinations: four shots in the leg and one orally for the rotavirus and she did cry... but only for a few seconds. Right before the nurse gave her the first shot she looked up at us and said, "She IS going to cry, so be ready!" At that time, Livy pouted her bottom lip as if she knew what was coming. We figured she probably just cried because of the initial pinching feeling because she was out like a light soon after the nurse was finished. What a good girl!
What a big girl!
Zonked out after her shots
Alex used to let out one huge holler and then fall asleep! It was actually kinda funny to watch. Kelly, on the other hand would scream to make sure the whole world knew she'd been "wronged", and painfully so!
BTW, she just gets cuter everyday. Takes after her "favorite" auntie I'm sure!
Auntie Beth
She's got a flank that would make the good father 'aggis proud!
'id she leave some North'ampton fertilizer at the learned doctor's 'ouse?
Uncle Finlay
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