Let me give you a quick timeline of Boot's life.
In October 2002, Boots was given to us by a friend as a 3 week old little kitten. He had the run of the roost. All of our attention was given to this little ball of brownish-black fur with white feet - hence the name given to him by Johnny - "Boots".

In May 2005, we adopted Ellie, a sweet little treeing walker hound, from the SPCA. Boots quickly welcomed her into our home and even started to "look up" to her.
A series of big moves during summer 2008 from one apartment to the next may have made any other cat "turn up it's tail" on us. This is especially true since he moved from a house and a neighborhood filled with his kitty friends and grass to roll in.
On top of all these moves, Boots began to notice that one of his owners had an evergrowing belly which he didn't quite know what to make of. So, he decided to hide anywhere and everywhere he would fit (and if you have met Boots, fitting into places is a challenge:)
Boots, being a curious cat, decided to wait it out and see what came of it all.
Currently, Boots has made it his daily job to remind us that he is still our baby.
Though Boots has endured many changes, at the end of the day he purrs louder than ever as he is confident that he will always be our Baby Boots!
This has certainly been an eventful year for Mr. Boots. New house. New state. New baby. New minivan.
Hope all is well. Hey - BTW - when is the next Longhorn Steakhouse Staff Party?
Boot's new goal (set by Johnny): Lose 10+ pounds
I'll keep you posted on the next staff party. How did you like getting a personal call from Boston? That made her night!
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